Saturday, November 7, 2009

First Commision-Done!

Hi All,

I just finished my first commission a few minutes for the Asbury Seminary Bookstore, where I work. If you're around Wilmore and are interested come check it out on display Monday or Tuesday! Thanks to Cassie and Charley for their interest and for allowing me this opportunity.

Thanks for checking in!


P.S. This took my life for some reason...17.25 hours!!!
1. Joseph 2. Mary and Jesus 3. Holy Family 4. Back view 5. Top view 6. The aftermath, lol...


Meredith Lilley said...
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Meredith Lilley said...

Ooops. Sorry I had some technical trouble. I'll try again to comment...You're really making miss working at the bookstore. Those look great! Nativities are such a hot item. I salute you.

Unknown said...

Holy cow those are good! I Son of Good job! I like Joe the best.